

Rails How to use aws-sdk for native s3 communication

With out using paperclip

  # Provides an expressive, object-oriented interface to Amazon S3.
  # To use Amazon S3 you must first 
  # {sign up here}[http://aws.amazon.com/s3/].
  # For more information about Amazon S3, see:
  # * {Amazon S3}[http://aws.amazon.com/s3/]
  # * {Amazon S3 Documentation}[http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/s3/]
  # = Credentials
  # You can setup default credentials for all AWS services via 
  # AWS.config:
  #   AWS.config(
  #     :access_key_id => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
  #     :secret_access_key => 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
  # Or you can set them directly on the S3 interface:
  #   s3 = AWS::S3.new(
  #     :access_key_id => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
  #     :secret_access_key => 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
  # = Buckets
  # Before you can upload files to S3, you need to create a bucket.
  #   s3 = AWS::S3.new
  #   bucket = s3.buckets.create('my-bucket')
  # If a bucket already exists, you can get a reference to the bucket.
  #   bucket = s3.buckets['my-bucket'] # no request made
  # You can also enumerate all buckets in your account.
  #   s3.buckets.each do |bucket|
  #     puts bucket.name
  #   end
  # See {BucketCollection} and {Bucket} for more information on working 
  # with buckets.
  # = Objects
  # Buckets contain objects.  Each object in a bucket has a unique key.
  # == Getting an Object
  # If the object already exists, you can get a reference to the object.
  #   # makes no request, returns an AWS::S3::S3Object
  #   obj = bucket.objects['key']
  # == Reading and Writing an Object
  # The example above returns an {S3Object}.  You call {S3Object#write} and 
  # {S3Object#read} to upload to and download from S3 respectively.
  #   # streaming upload a file to S3
  #   obj.write(Pathname.new('/path/to/file.txt'))
  #   # streaming download from S3 to a file on disk
  #   File.open('file.txt', 'w') do |file|
  #     obj.read do |chunk|
  #        file.write(chunk)
  #     end
  #   end
  # == Enumerating Objects
  # You can enumerate objects in your buckets.
  #   # enumerate ALL objects in the bucket (even if the bucket contains 
  #   # more than 1k objects)
  #   bucket.objects.each do |obj|
  #     puts obj.key
  #   end
  #   # enumerate at most 20 objects with the given prefix
  #   bucket.objects.with_prefix('photos/').each(:limit => 20).each do |photo|
  #     puts photo.key
  #   end
  # See {ObjectCollection} and {S3Object} for more information on working
  # with objects.

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