I have noticed in my recent project, if I use relation table such that,
the foreign key is of type string (uuid) and is of length 32,
it does not support it at all.
When I drilled down the model.php of cake lib.
I found the surprise at line 1408
if ((is_string($row) && (strlen($row) == 36 || strlen($row) == 16)) || is_numeric($row)) {
that means for string type columns as foreign key, it supports on lengths 36 and 16.
I changed the code lib a bit to work my project like
if ((is_string($row) && (strlen($row) == 36 || strlen($row) == 32 || strlen($row) == 16)) || is_numeric($row)) {
I'll see the reason in future exercise why its not working that ways, and why this limitation is there.
Pavan Agrawal